Saturday, October 6, 2007

Food Fight

The EACH have their Own buckets, but that is just to easy! They all have to eat out of the same bucket. When the first one is done, they all move down to the next and continue until all 5 buckets are empty. They fight a little over who's turn it is to stick their head in the bucket, but it's not much, it's usually just pinned ears and get out of my way. LOL they are bad.....

They do the same thing with their hay. They will eat one
then move on to the next. Even if there is a Kagillion piles
out there. They crack me up!


Desiree Thomas said...

Funny mine do same thing. So I quit trying long ago I put out two really big flat but really wide and round pans as close as I can get them..

Paige said...

My babies do the same thing, but finally they will turn on each other--that is a sad day as it seems to mean they are growing up.

I like the hay sharing photo--shows who the smart one is there doesnt it?