Thursday, January 10, 2008

Attitude? What attitude?

One Pissy Shasta. She was a bit perturbed that she had to share the attention everyone was receiving. You would think she's ignored on a constant basis. Not! She probably gets more attention then any of the other foals out there, only because she Demands it! Look out Amy cause she's going to be a pisser. Feel like ignoring her for a day? Guess again! She has her own notions on that front! ; ) She's quite the character.

Our first really cold day.....

Amazingly, no one gave me any trouble about putting their blankets on. Imagine that! Elly stood there like she's had one on many many times. She's such an old soul. Yes that is mud that Elly is standing on. Frozen mud at that! My hose froze and split. Who would have ever thought it would be a challenge to find a hose in winter?


Hannah on Christmas morning. She ripped through her presents in record time. Notice the cowboy boots she got in the second picture. Once we put them on, she refused to take them off! LOL

The first thing she said to me when she got here was, "I wanna ride my pony!" Dear Lord..... I am in so much trouble with this one! She's never been on a horse, let alone allowed to get any where near them as of yet. Once she figures it out, I can see her hopping on and going for a little ride, unbeknown st to Grandma. Oy..... I better keep a really close eye on Ms. Hannah! ;) At least I'll have one grandchild that will be into horses. :D