Saturday, October 6, 2007

The boys

Peppy and Tonka sharing a secret.

Tonka was watching a kitten in the pasture.


Mr. "Fugly" himself. He's starting to get fat, even though I've cut his feed back significantly, he's still gaining weight. He is also slightly butt high again. I really need to get some decent pictures done, one of those things that are on my "to do" list.

Food Fight

The EACH have their Own buckets, but that is just to easy! They all have to eat out of the same bucket. When the first one is done, they all move down to the next and continue until all 5 buckets are empty. They fight a little over who's turn it is to stick their head in the bucket, but it's not much, it's usually just pinned ears and get out of my way. LOL they are bad.....

They do the same thing with their hay. They will eat one
then move on to the next. Even if there is a Kagillion piles
out there. They crack me up!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Just some pictures I like...

The picture on the left is of Sandy and Shasta.

The picture on the right is of Dusty.

Left is Cassie, Right is Tink with Dusty just behind her. The goats in the neighbors yard had her attention. :)

A flowering bush that borders the front pasture on t he left, and a picture of Sandy on the right.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

"Elly's Mom"

This is Slydone Got Lucky, aka Miss Elly.
To some, Miss Elly may look like a typical red dun filly. But, she's much more then that to me. This is the story of how Miss Elly came here to be with me.

Some years ago, my mom and I were looking at horses. She wanted one of her own to ride so she could go on trail rides with me. While we were looking at this one particular barn, we spotted a gelding that was a stunning red dun. Well I had never seen a red dun before, so I didn't know what color he was. He was actually a bit more orange then Elly is, but she's close. Anyway, I had inquired about the gelding that day, and was told he wasn't for sale, sadly, because my mom took to him right away.

We eventually found a horse for my mom, but she wasn't a good horse for her, and not comfortable to ride at all, so we started the search again. All the while she kept saying, I sure wish I could find one like that one we saw. I had promised my mom, that I Would find a horse just like that gelding she had fallen in love with.

So as I was surfing on the net one day, I found a pretty buckskin mare (I know, definitely not a red dun, but Hey, I love buckskins!) and bought her. I thought, AWESOME, I can train this older mare to saddle, she's nice and gentle, loved my mom and would take care of her. She still wasn't the red dun that she wanted, but she would definitely be a good horse for her to tool around on. Well, I had just gotten her under saddle and going really well. We were just about ready to have my mom take her first test ride, with me holding her in hand just in case my mom spooked (she rode as a kid for years and LOVED horses) But as fate would have it, my mom passed away before she was able to take that first ride. The buckskin who's rump is pictured left and was the intended for my mother, is Sandy. She is my "The" horse. Elly is right there in the same category.

Elly has a "typical" red head attitude, she has a stubborn streak that can resemble that of an Irishman's on occasion, my mom was a red head. Stubborn, very intelligent, great sense of humor with a LOT of common sense. They both share(d) these "red head traits". Elly was found by visiting a friends website under the horses she had for sale at the time.

If you would like to find a pretty red dun with a lot of cow sense, go to and tell Paige that I sent ya! : ) Anyhow, we picked up El last year and El has been "my" horse predominantly since. I wonder sometimes if Elly doesn't have a bit more of her name sake in her some how. My mom's nickname was Ellie. So that's how I became "Elly's Mom". :D