Thursday, January 10, 2008

Our first really cold day.....

Amazingly, no one gave me any trouble about putting their blankets on. Imagine that! Elly stood there like she's had one on many many times. She's such an old soul. Yes that is mud that Elly is standing on. Frozen mud at that! My hose froze and split. Who would have ever thought it would be a challenge to find a hose in winter?


Paige said...

I have that problem too with hoses dying mid winter and being difficult to replace. What are places like TSC thinking to not have them handy?

Elly'sMom said...

I didn't think. I should have disconnected the dang thing so it wouldn't freeze, the other hose didn't freeze and split, but the Newer better, more Expensive hose split in 5 places. GRRRR... So now I have to find (hopefully) a new one. I'm hoping that Lowe's will have one. If not, I'll be on the hunt for awhile I suspect. Then Maybe my front pasture can actually dry out again.