Saturday, January 19, 2008

Surely By Three

Aka Dolly. This was taken on the 8th of Jan. She'll be 21 this year.

I was told that horses tend to mellow and slow down by the time they hit 10 to 15 yrs old. I would like to know who forgot to give Dolly the memo. (Must have been me :P)

She loves to compete and has what one would call an inordinate amount of Go. On the trail, she's hyper. At a show, it's a completely different story, she's all business. She is retired HUS and soon to be a retired trail horse. She maybe getting up there in age, but she doesn't think so.


Paige said...

Dolly looks awesome. I am with you, my older horses did not get the memo either-Playmate at 27 still takes a hand to really ride, and jigs the frist 10 minutes of any trail ride.

You are doing a good job with her

Elly'sMom said...

I think who ever came up with that "rule of thumb" needs to come and ride one of our girls. LOL Let them take them for a "Nice" trail ride. Oh boy! Hop, jig, jag, buck, bolt, fight, and fight some more. All Doll wants to do is GO and stop when she is darn good and ready to. She has more go then any one horse should have. If you want a challenging ride, Dolly is the one to take. :P Unless your in an arena, then she's good as gold.