Monday, March 3, 2008

Wax On, Wax Off.......

Who in the hell invented this torture? That's what I would like to know? Who in their right mind would ever think that waxing was a good idea? That crap is bloody painful!

Tonight my daughter said - Here mom, try this, just put it on, let it harden then pull it off. Alllllrighty then. I'm game to try just about anything once. Sooooo... I put the wax on my right eyebrow. Did as instructed, then rip. Oh My God, I had a Come to Jesus moment. I thought I was going to see stars or something. What's worse, is I started the one side so I had to do the other - right? Only when I did my Left eyebrow, I didn't see the wax get on to my eye LID. After I got done crying, I thought, this Has to be a "new" form of Torture. I can NOT imagine what it must feel like for a bikini wax. I'm Sure would pass out!! My eyebrows Still hurt. I swear I drew blood when I ripped part of the wax off. So much for my eyebrows. I'm sure going to miss them until they grow back again. I hope they do grow back.. Oy..... Never again!


Lazy A Ranch said...

You almosted had me choking on my breakfast when I read this. Hope all is well at your house.

Elly'sMom said...

Everything is status quo, you'd think by now I'd be used to it! HMPH!

I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try and put wax on my legs yet... I can't hurt nearly as bad as my eyebrows........ Can it?