Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Which photo is best?


I'm looking for a new picture of Cotie's head to redo the banner with. Which one looks best? Or are none of these good?


Unknown said...

I know you're gonna hate this but.... you gotta get pics of him with the sun behind your back as you take a pic of him. That way the color of his coat will show up better. Most of those are way too dark

Paige said...

Yeah, you need good sun behind you---try around 5 pm or so. It iwll make him glow

The first one is not interesting--could be anyone, as it does not show his personality.

Second one, he looks stoned.

Third and fourth are better, but if he will tip those ears TOWARD you, it will make them looks smalled and more alert, instead of freaked. Of the two, the third is a hair better, because of the angle

MicBel QH said...

I don't really like any of them either. I like the lighting in the first one the best but the others are too dark. Keep taking lots of photos you'll get something good.