Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Zelda Chokes, AGAIN

I had been pulling Zelda in before anyone else so she could "take her time" and not feel rushed and putting her in her own enclosed area.

A lot of good That did. First time she choked, it was on hay alone. Dislodged that, but evidently left her throat irritated. Second time, she choked on pelleted grain. Such fun! Not, called the vet out for that one. This time, it was sweet feed and one mouth full. As soon as it got stuck, she stopped and raised her head waiting for me to come and help her. I took her right out of there and put her in the yard. Gave her a shot of banamine and massaged and massaged and massaged. She drank a bit, which must have moved the blockage, cause about 15 mins later, she was tearing up the grass running away from me. Good Grief. Poor Zelda is really starting to show her age now, which saddens me. The vet says she looks great for her age, even though I know the time is getting closer to her demise, and that's not something I look forward to, but I am preparing myself for it (emotionally). I'm trying to decide where it would be best to lay her. I think she would like it best if she were close to the pasture edge since then she will "feel" as if she's still part of the herd, or if you would prefer, look over the herd. I know this may sound silly to some, after all, what does she care once she's passed away, but it matters to me where she is laid to rest. I want to do what she would want, the way she would want. I know she's not ready yet, she's still full of piss and vinegar, but I don't think, that it's that far off. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make her young again. Hell, I wish I could wave a magic wand and make ME young again. ; )

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