Sunday, March 30, 2008

Proud? Why Yes I Am!

I was accused of being "proud" of my horse Cotie once. Ya know, I have to agree, after much deliberation and thought, I admit, yes I am proud.

Cotie came here when he wasn't quite 4 months old, he got shipping sickness shortly after he arrived that quickly turned into full blown pneumonia.

Fast forward to about his 2ND yr. I decided to sell him to someone who really wanted him to service her own mares, since my fencing seriously lacked the security it needed for an intact stallion. Well, things didn't work out as well as I had hoped. In fact, things didn't work out at all. After him being there for about 8 months, I brought him home. He had lost a significant amount of weight and hadn't grown much if at all.

Well, he has been back home for a year now. His temperament remains the same as it always has been. He's a pretty "Steady Eddie" in that department. According to the new tape, he weighs 969 lbs. My height stick is in two pieces currently, so I used the tape, according to it, he's at a flat 15 hh. However, I think he's taller then that, I don't think I used the tape correctly. Neither here nor there, he looks pretty good now. One can no longer feel the every vertebra or all ribs. I can see muscle AND fat. It was a long year of recovery, one that I am SO glad is over. Cotie has had a rough start in life. So to say, "She's proud?" Why, yes, I guess I am.
Cotie has 2 foals due to hit the ground this summer. One will be for sale, the other is already sold in utero. He will be gelded here shortly as I would rather him being out in the open enjoying life, seeing the sights and going on trail rides with me.

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