Thursday, October 18, 2007


After the LONG wait, tomorrow has FINALLY come.. We will be leaving here around 9:45am. They have told my daughter that only one person can be in the delivery room, so I get to be it! I'm under strict rules ~ No photos of the actual cut and whatnot. She doesn't want to be grossed out by the cutting for the C section. :P Can't blame her, but.... I may have to snap one anyway. If she doesn't want it, she can always bury it later. I plan on taking a lot of photos of the new baby, so be prepared...

I think we are as prepared as we can physically be. We have a crib, car seat, bassinet, high chair, walker, port-a-crib, diapers, bottles, formula, bibs, clothes (OMG a Butt ton of clothes), blankets, a new diaper bag, bottle scrubber and pacifiers. It took quite some doing to find the bassinet sheets, but we managed to find a few. Thankfully. The only thing we haven't been able to locate is those little hand mittens, so we are going to improvise and use socks. Oh another thing we can't seem to locate is those crib protector pads. I can't find them anywhere. It's like they disappeared off the face of the earth or something. Oh well, another improvise and we will just use the receiving blankets instead of those. I can't think of anything else we need. It's been a chore getting prepared to get everything together for Collin. But we prevailed!

So tomorrow is the day~ So watch for pics of Collin..... ;)

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