Sunday, October 14, 2007

Shots Day.....

They all got wormed first. They must have actually liked it because they weren't trying to wipe it all over me this time. LOL

This is Cassie and her OH so concerned look. She just wanted me to go away so she could eat her dinner. She really didn't care one way or another.

This is Cotie's "concerned" look. He's almost to mellow. Is there such a thing though? Really?

Then they all got their shots. The foals got their first one, I was Really surprised at how well they did. Out of them all, Tink gave me a fit, only because she didn't want to be on a lead of any kind. Then Peppy, he must still be mad at me for taking mommy away, boy he was rowdy. He even reared up, the stinker. Only I was not going to put up with the nonsense, so we just worked it out. When he realized I wasn't going to give up cause he wanted me to, he settled right down.

Shasta, Dusty and Tonka were so uneventful they didn't even need a lead over their necks, they had one anyway, just in case, but for the most part, they were fantastic.

The one that gave me a fit?
G-R-A-C-E..... Have I ever said how much this mare and I don't get along? I really don't like her much. She took off like a someone had shot her in the butt. GRRRRRR..... So..... she didn't get to eat. When I went to get her out of the other pasture, she started to run, I was like Nope your not gonna and played this game of not approaching her. Snagged her and then went to give her her shot. You would have thought the needle was 10 inches long. She shook her head, tried to do whatever she could to remove it. So I pulled it out. Reattached it to the syringe and popped her with the wormer to give her something else to think about, then redid the shot. What a Major brat. The OTHER adult horses, I didn't need a lead or anything, I just walked up and popped them with both. Including Cotie, he really doesn't care about things like that. But this Grace and I - hmph, I think she and I need to do some working, cause this isn't going to cut it. I told David yesterday, if he hadn't liked his horse so much, she'd be going down the road, cause I surely don't like her. He needs to get out there and spend some time with her, she's being a major wench as of late. Even went so far today as to kick at Zelda. I yelled, she stopped. GRRRR...

Which makes me think I'm going to build Zelda a separate pasture of her own. There's no need for her to be beat up by any of them and since she is getting up there in years, she can't get away as fast as she used to and she's loosing herd status. Pisses me off that Grace is being so mean to anyone that's in her area with her. Did I say how much she and I don't get along? LOL I liked her better when she was in foal, at least she had a more even temperament.

Now where to put up Zelda's new area. Hmmmm......


Paige said...

you are a busy girl! I started baby shots last nite, too...oy vey. And weaned the last one as well.

As far as Grace, tehre is one in every bunch isnt there?

Elly'sMom said...

Ya got that right Sister! Pissed me off enough to throw that big fat behind back out with Dolly and Opal. She was being so mean to Zelda. I can't have that. Now Sandy is in with her for the "adult" company and everyone is hunky dory! Dang mare! I hope your shots go well.