Saturday, October 20, 2007

Busy Weekend.....

Well of course the baby was born early on Friday so that started the weekend here off with a Bang! He's a lot more animated today, but is still quite the quiet one compared to his brother. Thankfully! I can see though, where Collin is going to give Gregory a run for his money later down the road. He's built to be a football player. LOL

And today, while I was at the hospital, my sister in law calls to say they want to come and pick up my nieces colt. Dang it, I just got to the hospital! Which it did turn out best that we left, since Gregory and Hannah were a bit wide open in the room, getting into Everything. Gregory mostly. He was being a real turkey. My son David had bought everyone lunch, so this was keeping them busy temporarily. LOL But it didn't last to long, unfortunately.

So Gregory and I came home, I put him down for a nap, HMPH! When David comes in to tell me that someone was outside on the road looking at the horses. OK..... this is something that does happen, just not all the time. So I head out there, they didn't want to talk to me so they took off. I hate that when ppl do that. I would rather have them stay and chat. Makes me less suspicious. Well, I figured, since I was up and out, I might as well get Tonka ready for his departure. So I put a halter on him, and he Flat refused to walk anywhere. About 10 mins of trying to go somewhere, backwards worked for about 10 steps, sideways for another 5, my brother showed up with their trailer. He came in and helped me get him out. It took about 10 mins maybe to get Tonka loaded his first time ever in a trailer. Bribed the boy with grain, worked great! He was so Leary, but he did it, as soon as all 4 were safely on the trailer, I secured the butt bar, and closed the door quietly. He was on! We gave him about 5 mins to get used to it, then they were on their way. One down a few more to go. Sigh...... Their timing sucked, as far as me being at the hospital, but, it worked out for the best in the long run. David got Gregory to sleep for his nap, I fed the horses, then took a nap myself. Boy howdy did that feel Goooood! I could have slept the whole day I think.


Paige said...

Congrats! One down!

So when does Shasta go to Amys?

Elly'sMom said...

I don't know, as soon as we can get transport arranged And have the money I suppose. LOL

Now to get the others sold and off to their new homes. Sure would take a lot of pressure off of me if I were able to do that. Sigh...